How meal kit companies can become their customers’ best friend for the holidays
While the holidays can be a merry time, full of celebration and moments that turn into memories, this time of year can also be accompanied by a lot of stress.
Between navigating the crowded stores, getting the house clean and cozy, and prepping feasts for days on end — it can be a lot to handle!
This is where you can come in. You can be the assistant that every parent and host has ever hoped for. You could be the manifestation of Santa Clause at meal time.
It is an increasing trend today that specialization is an attractive concept to consumers. They want to feel, no matter how big or small the company is, that their needs are known and that the company cares about meeting those needs.
During the holidays, people make wish lists. This wish list will inspire what others give them during this season.
How does this affect you? Request a wish list from your consumers.
Allow for your customers to tell you exactly what they need and want during the holiday season and when they need it, This will allow you to tailor your solution to meet their needs.
For example, if there is a week in which the in-laws are coming into town or the kids are home from college, allow them to change the quantity of plates in advance.
This should be able to happen with ease, keeping with the theme of taking stress away from the customers’ lives.
Pack’n Fresh can even help you perfect your serving sizes which helps families with how much food they need when the seats at the table increase
A key part of the holidays is remembering and remaking the meals you grew up eating as a child.
While you may not be able to emulate grandma, allowing your consumers to pick the dishes that remind them of memories past, will be an easy way to make the holidays feel like the holidays.
These wonderful recipes often call for ingredients that aren’t found in the pantry the rest of the year. This makes having a supplier with a large variety a necessity this time of year.
This is beneficial for you too because you have the ability to increase your sales, at premium even, if you so choose.
Additionally, your product will be consumed by more people, those who possibly don’t use your services. What is better than a family endorsement and getting to try the food for a prospective client? Nothing!
That’s marketing that can’t be bought.
While Santa Clause only comes by one night a year, you are the little elves that make your consumers’ life easier year round. This holiday season, providing a little extra help will be a great way to build brand loyalty with your consumers.